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Editorial Designer and Artist

Hello there! I'm an Editorial Designer and Illustrator. I specialize in print design, social media, digital marketing and illustrations. I mainly work in the Health & Wellness field with clients ranging from doctors, surgeons, urgent cares and weight loss specialist. I'm familiar with medical terminology and medical Illustration. I can help your business with social media, print marketing, and general advertisement.


Interested? Let's chat!

Tessa Jennings


Medical Illustration

As a design specialist in the medical field I have experience creating infographics and medical illustrations for a wide array

of projects. Medical illustrations are mostly used when creating infographics to show patients and future clients how a procedure works. By creating an illustration it helps put medical terminology into a universal language of understanding. 

Need help creating graphics that match your brand? Lets chat! 

Allergy Infographic

Above: An infographic created for WellNow Urgent Care for the release of their new allergy service in NY. 

Left: Illustration created to help patients understand what a normal turbinate looks like compared to an enlarged one and the effects it can cause. 

Virtual Care Social Post
Happy Holidays Social Post

Social Media

With the rise in digital media and the decline of print format, staying up to date on social media platforms and trends is more crucial than ever. How do you know which platform is right for your business? Which media format should you be using, video or still graphics?  Every form has its place and can be beneficial. There's a niche for every product and service and I can help you find yours and create graphics to attract them.


Need help with your social media feed? Lets chat! 

Print Media

Even though social media is the top trend right now print will always have its place, especially in a medical setting. Patients like tangible items they can take home. They like flyers and infographics that help them understand their condition or treatment options. While it's important to do both, social media will never replace print flyers in an office setting. And don't forget! Your office walls are the perfect place to display clinic information, new drugs, and treatment options. 

Need help with your print marketing? Lets chat! 


Illustration & Artwork

While graphic design is my first love I also really love to paint. I incorporate my own hand drawn illustrations whenever I can into my design work. How does that help you? Well instead of clipart that many other companies could be using, you can have consistent styling across the board that's unique to your company brand. I also enjoy taking on custom commissioned pieces. I love painting animals, cartoons, and portraits. My favorite medium to use is acrylic paint but I also love using procreate and illustrator. 

Interested in adding custom illustrations to your business or just want to inquire about a painting? Lets chat or check out my etsy shop!


Contact Me

Columbus OH  |  Tel: 937-974-4133

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